As the national voice of State and Interstate water programs since 1961, the Association of Clean Water Administrators (ACWA) strives to protect and restore watersheds to achieve “clean water everywhere for everyone.”
Weekly Wrap
ACWA Weekly Wrap Vol. XVI, Issue 2 (Week of January 13, 2025)
- Notice – No Wrap the Week of January 20th
- EPA Releases the 2026 Integrated Reporting Memorandum
- Registration Open: 2025 State Summit on Water Reuse
- CW/DW SRF Funds for Wetlands
- ACWA Is Moving January 28th!
- Meetings, Webinars, Jobs, and More!
Upcoming Events
ACWA is a national, nonpartisan professional organization. Association members are the State, Interstate and Territorial officials who are responsible for the implementation of surface water protection programs throughout the nation.
Our members continue to lead the way in creating and realizing a vision for clean water in America. Learn more about where we focus our efforts:
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