ACWA’s work in watershed management, TMDL prioritization and implementation, and nonpoint source pollution mitigation fosters state-to-state and state-EPA information sharing, advancing state water quality initiatives and EPA §303(d) and §319 program goals.
Since early 2012, the committees and workgroups activities have:
- Facilitated and tracked the “Long-Term Vision for Assessment, Restoration, and Protection under the Clean Water Act Section §303(d) Program” (a.k.a. the “Vision”).
- Fostered an exchange of data collecting, management, and sharing strategies for state TMDL and nonpoint source programs, including involving states in the development of EPA information and data platforms.
- Provided a venue for states to discuss ways to communicate, to the general public and to EPA, what progress has been made on improving impaired watersheds and protecting healthy watersheds.
- Allowed states to provide EPA with ongoing feedback on nonpoint source program initiatives such as revised §319 guidelines and local conservation pilot programs, and also provide other states with feedback on innovative best management practices.