WIFIA Program Closes Loan with City of San Diego
The WIFIA program has issued its fifth loan to City of San Diego. This loan will bring EPA’s total over $1.5 billion in WIFIA credit assistance.
The City of San Diego’s $614 million loan will construct a new advanced treatment facility to produce 30 million gallons per day (mgd) of purified water. This is the first phase in its multi-year Pure Water Program which will use proven technology to clean non-potable recycled water into safe, high quality, drinking water. This project will provide a reliable, sustainable water supply, reduce the need for imported water, and divert wastewater flows away from the Point Loma ocean discharge plant. The City expects to save up to $151 million by financing the project with a WIFIA loan and create 480 jobs.
• Learn more about this project by visiting the project website or reading the project factsheet.
Vessel Incidental Discharge Act Passes the House
The House passed an amended version of the Coast Guard Reauthorization bill. The bill was originally passed by the Senate earlier this month. This bill included the Vessel Incidental Discharge Act (VIDA). VIDA will delegate the EPA to establish standards for discharges incidental to the normal operation of a vessel. Additionally, the Coast Guard would be the lead agency for monitoring and enforcing standards. The Pacific Northwest and Great Lakes States received special accommodations and can set their own basin-wide standards. The bill is expected to be signed into law this Congress.
Alexandra Dapolito Dunn, Former ACWA Executive Director, Has Nomination Hearing
Alexandra Dapolito Dunn was nominated to serve as assistant administrator for the U.S Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP). This office is in charge of developing guidance for the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act (known as TSCA). Dunn completed her nomination hearing on November 27th and received praise from both republicans and democrats. Confirmation is expected in the coming weeks.
EPA Seeks Input on Nonpoint Source Monitoring Needs: States, Indicate Interest by 12/14
EPA’s Nonpoint Source Management Branch is evaluating its existing monitoring resources for NPS work and seeking to gain an understanding of training needs. As part of this project, EPA is working with a contractor who will provide EPA with recommendations for updating existing NPS monitoring resources and addressing unmet needs. As an initial step, the firm will conduct brief needs assessment interviews with key stakeholders to better understand challenges and opportunities. EPA is seeking volunteers to participate in a 45-minute phone interview/dialogue with Marketing for Change. If you would like to volunteer or need more information, please reach out to Meg Wiitala at by Friday December 14. Interviews will be scheduled around the participant’s availability, and will take place in January 2019.
Coming Soon...
Water Resource Management Committee Call
Monday, December 17, 2-3:30 pm EST
Contact Julian Gonzalez for more information
Watersheds Committee Call
Thursday, December 20, 3-4:30 pm EST
Contact Julian Gonzalez for more information