EPA Releases the 2026 Integrated Reporting Memorandum
EPA has released the 2026 Integrated Reporting Memo, which aims to provide information that will assist the states and territories in preparing, and the regions in reviewing, 2026 Integrated Reports in accordance with Clean Water Act Sections 303(d), 305(b), and 314.
This memorandum, Information Concerning 2026 Clean Water Act Sections 303(d), 305(b), and 314 Integrated Reporting and Listing Decisions, covers:
- Defining Segments (Assessment Units);
- Use of Advisories in CWA Section 303(d) Water Quality Attainment Decisions;
- CWA Section 303(d) Assessment/Listing for Public Water Supply Use Impairments;
- Antidegradation and Protection of Existing Uses;
- Priority Ranking for Waters on the CWA Section 303(d) List;
- Use of Water Quality Impairment Data Reported under CWA Section 305(b) in Fiscal Year 2026 to Update the Variable Portion of the Fiscal Year 2027 CWA Section 106 Grant Allocation Formula (40 C.F.R. 35.162).
EPA expects that this memorandum will also be a resource for EPA Regions, states, territories, and authorized Tribes in future listing cycles.
EPA Releases Nutrients Reduction Efforts Story Map
On January 13, 2025, EPA released a new Story Map tool, Accelerating Improvement of Water Quality: Nutrients Reduction Efforts Across the United States. The tool is intended to summarize and highlight state efforts to reduce nutrient pollution. Key findings are presented through the following sections:
- EPA Actions
- Water Quality Conditions
- State Strategies and Efforts
- EPA and State Funding
- Results
- Challenges
- EPA Goals Moving Forward
According to EPA, in 2023, the Office of Water, “embarked on a robust engagement endeavor between the EPA Region and states regarding efforts to reduce nutrient pollution. Throughout 2023, the EPA communicated with states through meetings, calls and emails to gather details on each state’s nutrient reduction activities. The EPA and states discussed their ongoing efforts to reduce nutrients in waterbodies to better understand states’ challenges and future goals…Through this effort, 45 states engaged with the EPA on their successes, challenges and goals, providing material for this overview of state nutrient reduction efforts and innovation.”
ACWA’s Nutrient Policy Committee and ACWA staff worked directly with EPA, through early and ongoing engagement, in the development and review of the Story Map.
For additional information, please visit EPA’s Nutrient Pollution Webpage.
Draft Sewage Sludge Risk Assessment for Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctane Sulfonic Acid (PFOS)
EPA released the Draft Sewage Sludge Risk Assessment for Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctane Sulfonic Acid (PFOS) for public comment. The draft risk assessment reflects the agency’s latest scientific understanding of the potential risks to human health and the environment posed by the presence of PFOA and PFOS in sewage sludge that is land applied as a soil conditioner or fertilizer (on agricultural, forested, and other lands), surface disposed (e.g., placed in a sewage sludge-only landfill called a monofill), or incinerated. The draft risk assessment is being released for a 60-day public comment period, which will begin upon publication of the draft risk assessment in the Federal Register. You can review the pre-publication version of the draft risk assessment here:
EPA Releases Watershed Academy’s CWA & EJ Training – A Practitioner’s Guide
“The Office of Water has released a new Watershed Academy learning resource, Protecting and Restoring Our Waters: The Clean Water Act Through an Environmental Justice Lens – A Practitioner’s Guide to Improved CWA Implementation. This companion resource to the public CWA EJ module consists of a brief introductory section followed by key questions for program-specific consideration, as well as practitioner opportunities and approaches for integrating EJ into ten cornerstone programs that drive surface water quality protection in the US.
This resource serves as a guide to advance the integration of environmental justice considerations into the EPA’s CWA policies, programs, and activities. This module was produced by EPA’s Watershed Academy, which publishes educational webinars, learning modules and resources about watershed management.”
CW/DW SRF Funds for Wetlands
EPA released a new resource guide, “Clean Water & Drinking Water State Revolving Funds: Resource Guide for Wetland Applications”, to increase awareness about the availability of the State Revolving Fund program to fund wetlands restoration and protection projects. This guide highlights case studies and best practices to aid potential applicants in pursuing the use of funds to support their CWSRF or DWSRF eligible projects where there may also be an opportunity for wetland protection. This resource guide can be used by municipalities, local organizations and others to support additional protection in wetland ecosystems vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and degradation. The EPA continues to support and actively encourages flexibility in the implementation of SRF funding included in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
For additional information, see the EPA’s webpages for the Clean Water SRF, Drinking Water SRF and Wetlands Funding and Grants.
EPA Releases Risk-Based Framework for Developing Microbial Treatment Targets for Water Reuse
On January 16, 2025, EPA released a Risk-Based Framework for Developing Microbial Treatment Targets for Water Reuse. This new EPA document provides detailed scientific information that states, Tribes, and territories can use to develop microbial risk assessments and associated treatment targets to reduce potential illnesses across a range of potable and non-potable water reuse applications. Peer-reviewed microbial treatment targets are also presented, as published recently in ES&T Letters (Jahne et al 2024).
Key insights from the document:
- Opportunities for Future Research: Identifies gaps in current knowledge and encourages ongoing research to continuously refine water reuse treatment targets.
- Microbial Risk Assessment: Offers a deep dive into bacterial, viral, and protozoan pathogens—essential for evaluating water safety and determining appropriate treatment.
- Current Science: Shares the latest data on pathogen densities, dose-response models, and health metrics to help regulators make informed, data-driven decisions.
- Risk-Based Microbial Treatment Targets: Provides peer-reviewed LRTs for both potable and non-potable water applications. (See Table 6)
Potable Reuse and PFAS
Six regulated PFAS can be removed from water to be used for drinking by installing advanced treatment technologies such as:
- Granular activated carbon (GAC)
- Anion exchange resins (AIX)
- Nanofiltration (NF)
- Reverse osmosis (RO)
Potable reuse systems often use either RO or GAC filtration as part of their overall treatment design. These systems can remove a wide range of microbial and chemical contaminants, including the six regulated PFAS and some PFAS that are not part of the regulation. Additionally, these systems also include sophisticated monitoring to ensure consistent and reliable treatment. More details can be found here: Potable Reuse and PFAS
Federal Permitting and Environmental Reviews for Nature-Based Solutions
The Green Infrastructure Federal Collaborative developed this guide to identify ways to accelerate federal permitting and environmental reviews for nature-based-solutions (NBS) projects. NBS are actions to protect, conserve, restore, and sustainably manage natural or modified ecosystems. They use natural features or processes to address public health and environmental challenges while providing multiple benefits to people and nature. One of the benefits of NBS is reducing risks such as flooding, drought, wildfire, and urban heat. NBS can also improve water and air quality while supporting biodiversity and habitat connectivity. These benefits positively impact communities by helping them increase resiliency, improve health, and increase access to nature. This document is intended to provide federal agencies involved in the review of projects with an overview of the federal permitting and environmental review processes related to NBS implementation; best practices recommendations; and examples of projects and successful federal agency permitting networks that have navigated and streamlined these reviews and processes.
Federal Permitting and Environmental Reviews for Nature-Based Solutions
New Publication – Phosphorus Removal Guidance Document for Wastewater Utilities
Moonshot Missions, a non-profit dedicated to clean and healthy water and waterways in underserved communities, announced the publication of “Phosphorus Removal Guidance Document for Wastewater Utilities” developed through funding from the Great Lakes Protection Fund (GLPF). This document was created in collaboration with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (Michigan EGLE) to help wastewater utilities in the Western Lake Erie Basin best optimize their treatment processes for phosphorus removal.
Though phosphorus is a key nutrient for all life, excessive amounts can promote harmful algae blooms and other water quality issues. This document provides facilities with educational information and practical guidance that operators and regulators alike can use to implement low-cost process changes without requiring major capital upgrades. For more information, please visit the Moonshot Missions Phosphorus Guidance webpage.
Association Updates
Notice – No Wrap the Week of January 20th
In observance of the holiday, ACWA will not publish a Weekly Wrap the week of January 20th. Look out for our next edition the week of February 3rd, 2025.
Please update your contact lists with our new address:
1725 I Street NW
Suite 225
Washington, DC 20006
2025 Mid-Year Meeting – Reserve Your Hotel Room Now!
Dates: March 12 & 13, 2025
Venue: Hilton Alexandria Old Town, Alexandria, VA
Make your room reservations today! The room block will close on February 18, 2025.
Registration is LIVE! Register HERE
This will be a closed meeting intended for state members and federal guests. The agenda is in development and will be updated as appropriate.
Check back here for more updates.
Registration Open: 2025 State Summit on Water Reuse
Date: March 19, 2025 (9:15 am to 4:30 pm)
Venue: JW Marriott Tampa Water Street
Registration is now open for the 2025 State Summit on Water Reuse, which will take place on Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at the J.W. Marriott Water Street in Tampa, FL. Please click here to register for the State Summit before January 31, 2025.
This free, state regulator-only event is hosted by ACWA, ASDWA, ECOS, ASTHO, GWPC, and U.S. EPA, and will be held once again in conjunction with the WateReuse Association Annual Water Reuse Symposium, which begins March 16.
The primary goal of the State Summit is to provide a place for state regulators to share and learn about a range of water reuse issues, network with state colleagues, and coordinate with representatives from select federal agencies. The Summit will feature perspectives from many states and provide an opportunity for participants to share their thoughts and key questions with colleagues from around the country. Past Summit session topics have included: developments in potable reuse around the nation, non-potable reuse for agriculture, industrial reuse trends and experiences (e.g., data centers, produced water), as well as federal updates on the National Water Reuse Action Plan (WRAP) and Interagency Working Group.
ACWA and ASDWA may be able to assist with reimbursement for costs relating to state travel and lodging for the Summit. However, space and reimbursement funds are limited. Please contact Ward Scott ( to request travel reimbursement or for more information. Additionally, State Summit participants are eligible to register for the Annual WRA WateReuse Symposium at a discounted (Presenter) rate.
2025 Water Quality Standards Workshop – Registration Now Available!
Dates: April 22-24, 2025
Location: Des Moines, IA
This workshop is a national meeting organized by ACWA for state staff involved in state water quality standards programs, as well as for both Regional and Headquarters-based U.S. Environmental Protection Agency managers and staff.
The workshop will be held at the Embassy Suites in Downtown Des Moines. Reserve your hotel room here: ACWA Water Quality Standards Workshop. The room block will close March 31, 2025.
ACWA does anticipate having travel support for state staff. When available, more information can be found on ACWA’s events page.
Meetings and Webinars
Office of Advocacy Environmental Roundtable – 2026 Draft Stormwater MSGP
Thursday, January 30, 2025, 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 pm EST
The discussion will focus on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) recent draft of the stormwater multi-sector general permit (MSGP).
For more information and to register, click here.
Technical Assistance Training Webinar Series
Thursday, January 30, 2025, 1–2:30 p.m. EST
Register here
There are more than 4,500 publicly owned discharging wastewater lagoon systems in the U.S. and these lagoons comprise approximately 24% of all publicly owned treatment works (POTWs). This webinar will discuss how lagoon systems are designed to treat wastewater and common compliance problems operators face. The webinar will also discuss several new tools EPA has developed for lagoon operators including the First Stop Toolbox for Lagoons, a Lagoon Troubleshooting Manual, and two documents providing compliance tips for lagoon operators.
This series is geared toward plant owners and operators of smaller systems with flow of less than 1 million gallons per day. Others include: WWTP owners and operators, design engineers, municipal leaders, NPDES technical assistance providers, permit writers, compliance staff from state, local, tribal, and federal governments.
For additional webinar info, contact
Webinar series schedule and recordings:
EPA Workforce Webinar: The Water Tower
February 4, 2025 12:30 PM ET
For more information and to register, click here.
EPA Webinar on Alternative Water Sources for Augmenting Water Supplies
EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) is convening a virtual workshop on Alternative Water Sources for Augmenting Water Supplies with EPA Regions and interested states on February 5, 2025, from 1:00 – 5:00 pm. The workshop will discuss ORD’s research to help support the National Water Reuse Action Plan, as well as the needs of EPA regions, states, and Tribes for safe and reliable water supplies. Research will also focus on developing tools and resources for communities to support their decision making regarding alternative water sources. The workshop will provide an opportunity to discuss research gaps, identify opportunities for collaboration on scientific needs, and inform EPA ORD’s research agenda.
While this virtual workshop is in follow-up to the EPA ORD-Region 6-States Meeting held in October, all EPA Regions and interested states are invited to participate. We ask that everyone register for the workshop (link below). Attached are the workshop flyer and draft agenda. We welcome states to suggest specific concerns or issues under the general research topics that they may wish to see included but are not currently in the draft workshop agenda. For each research topic, we will be asking a state representative to talk about some of the on-the-ground challenges their state is facing on this topic and related science needs.
Save the Date: EPA’s Informational Webinars on Draft WQS Handbook Chapters
On December 12, 2024, the EPA released three draft chapters of the WQS Handbook for a 90-day public comment period. The WQS Handbook provides a plain language discussion of the relevant regulatory and statutory requirements and the EPA’s recommendations for how states, authorized Tribes and U.S. territories can develop and implement WQS consistent with both. The EPA has updated Chapter 2 on Designated Uses, Chapter 4 on Antidegradation, and developed a new chapter on WQS Variances to include the EPA’s most recent WQS programmatic policy and guidance to implement the regulation at 40 CFR Part 131.
During the public comment period, the EPA will hold informational webinars to provide an overview of the chapters and an opportunity for participants to ask clarifying questions after having read the chapters. Each webinar will cover the same material.
Please save the date:
- General public webinar: February 4, 2025, 12pm ET to 2pm ET
- States and U.S. territories only webinar: February 4, 2025, 2:30pm ET to 4:30pm ET
- Tribes only webinar: February 6, 2025, 12pm ET to 2pm ET
Registration for the webinars will begin in early January 2025. The EPA will provide the registration information on the WQS Handbook webpage.
Job Opportunities
CSO Project Manager or Environmental Engineer
Location: Albany, NY
Closing Date: January 19, 2025
To apply, submit your cover letter and resume by email to by January 19, 2025. Please reference 25-NY-IEM-001 in the email subject line. Accepting applications until the position is filled. A full position description and benefits listing may be viewed at:
Environmental Analyst – Training & Certification Specialist
Location: South Portland, ME
Closing Date: January 19. 2025
To apply, submit a cover letter, resume, and a brief writing sample by email to by January
19, 2025. Please reference #25-SOPO-001 in the email subject line. Accepting applications until the position is filled. A full position description may be viewed at:
Environmental Specialist III
Location: Augusta, ME
Closing Date: January 24, 2025
For more information and to apply, click here.
Western Region Administrator (Natural Resource Protection and Sustainability Administrator 1)
Location: Eugene, OR
Closing Date: January 26, 2025
For more information and to apply, visit Oregon Job Opportunities.
Water Resource Professional II (TMDL Writer)
Location: Santa Fe, NM
Closing Date: January 29, 2025
Job ID #150936
NMED #12186
The Surface Water Quality Bureau (SWQB) preserves, protects, and improves New Mexico’s surface water quality for present and future generations. This position will support the mission of the SWQB by developing the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) planning documents, assisting with assessment of surface water quality data to develop the Clean Water Act List of Impaired Waters and developing other water quality planning documents. This position is responsible for developing TMDL planning documents, managing water quality data, running moderately complex water quality models, and presenting technical documents to the public. This position also assists with periodic water quality monitoring surveys and water quality assessments.
If you are interested in applying, please visit NM’s Job Opportunities website to review the job posting and complete your application!
Water Resource Professional II (Water Quality Standards Specialist)
Location: Santa Fe, NM
Closing Date: January 31, 2025
Job ID # 151141
NMED #12011
The Surface Water Quality Bureau (SWQB) preserves, protects, and improves New Mexico’s surface water quality for present and future generations. This position will support the mission of the SWQB by presenting proposed water quality standards to the Water Quality Control Commission during public rulemaking hearings and by reviewing water quality standards and evaluating scientific studies and environmental data to develop technical support documents for standards amendments. The position will conduct outreach to the public, regulated communities, and other stakeholders for bureau rulemaking and regulatory activities as part of the Standards and Outreach Team, prepare technical and scientifically defensible demonstrations, evaluate proposed amendments, and testify before the Water Quality Control Commission on regulatory changes to water quality standards, in accordance with various State and Federal acts and regulations.
If you are interested in applying, please visit NM’s Job Opportunities website to review the job posting and complete your application!
Environmental Analyst – Long Island Nitrogen Action Plan
Location: Stony Brook, NY
Closing Date: February 9, 2025
To apply, submit cover letter, resume, and a brief writing sample by email to by February 9, 2025. Please reference #25-NYS-LIRPC-DEC-001 in the email subject line. Accepting applications until the position is filled. A full position description may be viewed at:
Aquatic Invasive Species Boat Launch Stewards
Location: Lake Champlain, NY and VT
Closing Date: Open until filled
To apply, submit a cover letter and resume by email to; please reference #25-LCBP-003 in
the email subject line. Application review will begin on February 2, 2025, and will continue on a rolling
basis until all positions are filled. A full position description may be viewed at:
Be sure to check out other opportunities on ACWA’s Job Opportunities page.