House Adopts Budget Resolution
The House of Representatives adopted a budget resolution (H. CON. RES. 14) by a vote of 117 to 115. The U.S. Senate adopted a different budget resolution (S. CON. RES. 7) by a vote of 52 to 48 earlier in the week. The House resolution authorizes spending of $5.516 trillion for 2025, while the Senate resolution authorizes spending of $4.661 trillion for the fiscal year 2025. Both blueprints increase funding for the military and border security and advance energy exploration. The House resolution includes an extension of the 2017 tax cuts set to expire later this year, $2 trillion in spending cuts without specifying what programs would be cut, and an increase in the debt limit. The Senate resolution does not include similar provisions. The budget resolutions establish a framework for negotiations on annual appropriations, taxes, and the debt limit through a legislative process called reconciliation, which allows the Senate to avoid filibuster threats if the chamber can not get 60 votes. The Continuing Resolution that is currently funding the federal government expires on Friday, March 14.
ACWA Joins Broad Coalition of Organizations to Urge Full Funding of CW/DW SRFs
CIFA organized a coalition of 37 national and state organizations to urge Congress to fully fund the Clean Water and Drinking Water SRFs at congressionally authorized levels of $3.25 billion for fiscal years 2025 and 2026. The coalition also urged EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin to support full funding of the SRFs. Review the Letters Here.
EPA Extends Comment Deadline for Methods Rule 22 for the Analysis of Contaminants in Effluent
EPA has extended the comment deadline for the Clean Water Act Methods Update Rule 22 for the Analysis of Contaminants in Effluent. The new deadline to comment is March 24.
Link to extension notice:
Link to the rule:
Description of the rule: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to promulgate new methods and update the tables of approved methods for the Clean Water Act. The Clean Water Act requires the EPA to promulgate test procedures for the analysis of pollutants. Promulgating new methods and updating the tables of approved methods increases the quality and consistency of data collected for the purposes of the Clean Water Act. In this rule, the EPA proposes to add new EPA methods for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners, and add methods previously published by voluntary consensus bodies that industries and municipalities would use for reporting under the EPA’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit program. The EPA also proposes to withdraw the seven Aroclor (PCB mixtures) parameters. In addition, the EPA is proposing to simplify the sampling requirements for two volatile organic compounds, and make a series of minor corrections to existing tables of approved methods. This proposed rule does not mandate when a parameter must be monitored or establish a discharge limit.
EPA Extends Comment Deadline for the Draft Sewage Sludge Risk Assessment for PFAS
On February 21, 2025, the EPA extended the public comment period for the Draft Sewage Sludge Risk Assessment for Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctane Sulfonic Acid (PFOS) for an additional 30 days. The agency will accept public comments on the draft risk assessment through April 16, 2025.
The draft risk assessment reflects the agency’s latest scientific understanding of the potential risks to human health and the environment posed by the presence of PFOA and PFOS in sewage sludge that is land applied as a soil conditioner or fertilizer (on agricultural, forested, and other lands), surface disposed (e.g., placed in a sewage sludge-only landfill called a monofill), or incinerated.
You may find the comment extension notice here.
EPA Extends Comment Deadline for the Draft National Recommended Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Human Health for Three PFAS
On February 21, 2025, the EPA extended the public comment period for the Draft National Recommended Ambient Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Human Health for Perfluorooctanoic Acid, Perfluorooctane Sulfonic Acid, and Perfluorobutane Sulfonic Acid for an additional 60 days. The agency will accept written comments from the public on the draft human health criteria through April 25, 2025.
EPA has derived draft national recommended water quality criteria protective of human health for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), and perfluorobutane sulfonic acid (PFBS). These draft criteria reflect the latest available scientific information including final human health toxicity values, draft bioaccumulation factors, draft relative source contributions, and updated drinking water ingestion rates.
You may find the comment extension notice here.
OIG Report: CSO Program and Reuse Program Unawarded Funds
The Office of Inspector General recently reported that EPA did not consistently manage its Sewer Overflow and Stormwater Reuse Municipal Grants (OSG) in accordance with some applicable laws, regulations, policies, and guidance. They found that, as of January 10, 2024, EPA had not awarded approximately $20 million of the approximately $110 million allocated to states within the OSG Program for fiscal years 2020 through 2022. In addition, EPA allowed a cost share to be imposed on a grant that should have been exempt because the communities to benefit were rural or financially distressed. These management lapses partly occurred because EPA did not issue guidance to the regions on reallocating unawarded OSG funds and did not set up mechanisms to gather information on program progress and store pertinent OSG information centrally, implement control steps to ensure that OSG grant applications were adequately reviewed by the regions, or issue guidance to the regions in a timely manner on the cost-share requirement imposed by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Unawarded OSG funds led OIG to conclude that needed infrastructure projects may have gone unfunded. The unawarded funds also may lead the public and Congress to conclude that additional funding is not urgently needed. OIG: EPA Left $20 Million Unawarded in the Sewer Overflow and Stormwater Reuse Municipal Grants
GAO Report: Corps Expedited Permitting Process Needs More Transparency
Under certain circumstances, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) may accept and expend funds from nonfederal public entities, public utility companies, natural gas companies, railroad carriers, and Indian Tribes to expedite its evaluation of required permits for their projects, such as pipelines, in federally regulated waters and wetlands. The Corps does so through agreements that it makes with these entities under section 214 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2000 (WRDA 2000), as amended. Agreements made under this authority are known as section 214 agreements. The Corps has made 23 agreements with public utilities, gas companies, and railroad carriers to receive money in exchange for expediting its permit process as of July 2, 2024. It issued over 3,600 permits under these agreements. Legally, the Corps must follow the same permitting process for all applications and ensure impartiality. Information about permits is posted on its website but it doesn’t indicate which permits were issued under these agreements. By updating its permit database to distinguish permits, making all active section agreements to accept funds available on a single website, and making annual reports available on a single website, the Corps would enhance the transparency of its section 214 activities and ensure that it is making information publicly available as required. GAO: Expedited Permitting Process Would Benefit from More Transparency
EO: Implementing DOGE Deregulatory Initiative
In a February 19 Executive Order (EO), the new administration is instructing federal agencies, including EPA, to develop a list of existing regulations that could be targeted for repeal if they meet criteria defined as consistent with the new administration policies. Criteria for potential repeal include: 1) those that raise unconstitutional or raise serious constitutional difficulties; 2) those based on an unlawful delegations of legislative power; 3) those based on anything other than the best reading of statute; 4) those that implicate matters of social, political or economic significance without clear statutory authority; 5) those that impose significant cost on private parties not outweighed by public benefits; 6) those that impose undue burdens on small businesses and impede private enterprise and entrepreneurship; and 7) those that harm the “national interest.” The Executive Order also directs Agencies to use enforcement discretion and not implement those regulations until repealed. Specifically, the EO says “[i]t is the policy of my Administration to focus the executive branch’s limited enforcement resources on regulations squarely authorized by constitutional Federal statutes, and to commence the deconstruction of the overbearing and burdensome administrative state.” The EO provides a regulatory review role to the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). Agency heads have been given 60 days to generate this list of regulations that they deem to meet any one of the criteria.
EO: Ensuring Lawful Governance and Implementing the President’s “Department of Government Efficiency” Regulatory Initiative
February Congressional Hearings Examine Potential CWA Permitting Reforms
In February, Congress held two hearings that focused on improving Clean Water Act permitting efficiency for energy projects and other infrastructure. On February 11, the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment held a hearing “America Builds: Clean Water Act Permitting and Project Delivery”, which focused on “balancing the goals of protecting water quality and timely project completions, reducing supply chain challenges, and promoting commerce.” The hearing centered on potential reforms relating to state water quality certification under CWA Section 401, as well as other aspects of CWA permitting, including Sections 402 and 404. Witnesses at that hearing included:
- Robert D. Singletary, Executive Director, OK Dept. of Environmental Quality (Written Testimony)
- Shawn M. LaTourette, Commissioner, NJ Dept. of Environmental Protection (Written Testimony)
- Noah Hanners, Executive Vice President, Nucor Corp., on behalf of the National Assoc. of Manufacturers (Written Testimony)
- Buddy Hasten, President and CEO, Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corp., on behalf of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (Written Testimony)
Similarly, on February 19, the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works held a hearing, “Improving the Federal Environmental Review and Permitting Process”, which also examined challenges associated with CWA permitting, as well as environmental review under other federal statutes. Witnesses at that hearing included:
- Leah Pilconis, General Counsel, Associated General Contactors of America (Written Testimony)
- Carl Harris, Chair of the Board, National Association of Home Builders (Written Testimony)
- Jeremy Harrell, CEO, ClearPath (Written Testimony)
- Brent Booker, General President, LiUNA Action Network (Written Testimony)
- Nicole Pavia, Director, Clean Energy Infrastructure Deployment, Clean Air Task Force (Written Testimony)
Association Updates
2025 Mid-Year Meeting – View the Updated Draft Agenda
Dates: March 12 & 13, 2025
Venue: Hilton Alexandria Old Town, Alexandria, VA
Registration is open! Register HERE
This will be a closed meeting intended for state members and federal guests. The agenda is in development and will be updated as appropriate.
Check back here for more updates.
Registration Open: 2025 State Summit on Water Reuse
Date: March 19, 2025 (9:15 am to 4:30 pm)
Venue: JW Marriott Tampa Water Street
Registration is now open for the 2025 State Summit on Water Reuse, which will take place on Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at the J.W. Marriott Water Street in Tampa, FL. Please click here to register asap, as space is limited.
This free, state regulator-only event is hosted by ACWA, ASDWA, ECOS, ASTHO, GWPC, and U.S. EPA, and will be held once again in conjunction with the WateReuse Association Annual Water Reuse Symposium, which begins March 16.
The primary goal of the State Summit is to provide a place for state regulators to share and learn about a range of water reuse issues, network with state colleagues, and coordinate with representatives from select federal agencies. The Summit will feature perspectives from many states and provide an opportunity for participants to share their thoughts and key questions with colleagues from around the country. Past Summit session topics have included: developments in potable reuse around the nation, non-potable reuse for agriculture, industrial reuse trends and experiences (e.g., data centers, produced water), as well as federal updates on the National Water Reuse Action Plan (WRAP) and Interagency Working Group.
2025 Water Quality Standards Workshop – Registration Now Available!
Dates: April 22-24, 2025
Location: Des Moines, IA
This workshop is a national meeting organized by ACWA for state staff involved in state water quality standards programs, as well as for both Regional and Headquarters-based U.S. Environmental Protection Agency managers and staff.
The workshop will be held at the Embassy Suites in Downtown Des Moines. Reserve your hotel room here: ACWA Water Quality Standards Workshop. The room block will close March 31, 2025.
ACWA does anticipate having travel support for state staff. When available, more information can be found on ACWA’s events page.
Save the Date: 2025 ACWA CWA Cross-Program Workshop
Dates: July 21-23, 2025
Location: Chicago (Rosemont), IL
ACWA will host the 2025 CWA Cross-Program Workshop on July 21-23, 2025 in Chicago at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare. The theme for this year’s Workshop will be “CWA Cross-Program Coordination to Improve Nutrient Management and Address Nutrient Pollution.” The 2025 Workshop is the third annual Cross-Program Workshop held in cooperation with EPA.
Cross-Program Workshops bring together state and federal CWA program administrators to discuss and share ways in which cross-program coordination and collaboration can be strengthened to more effectively and efficiently restore and protect the nation’s waters. Participants identify cross-program challenges and barriers to CWA implementation; work toward solutions to cross cutting water quality topics; identify ways to improve technical capabilities; highlight opportunities for cross-program planning, implementation, and co-operation; and clarify linkages, roles, and responsibilities among CWA programs.
The Workshop target audience will be state regulators from around the country with practical experience and responsibilities in supporting and managing CWA Section 303(c), 303(d), and/or 402 programs, as well as EPA representatives for each of the programs. Attendees should come prepared to discuss ways in which cross-program coordination has been an important aspect of successful program and/or restoration plan implementation, as well as cross-program challenges and needs.
Agenda and Registration: Registration information and a draft agenda will be available soon.
Hotel: Book your hotel room here. The room block will close June 30, 2025.
Travel Support: ACWA plans to provide limited state travel support in the form of a post-Workshop reimbursement. Please contact Ward Scott directly if you know you will require travel support to attend the Workshop.
Save The Date for ACWA’s 64th Annual Meeting in Madison, WI!
Dates: August 13-15th, 2025
Board of Directors will meet August 12th, 2025.
Lodging is now open for reservation!
The Madison Concourse Hotel and Governor’s Club
One West Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53703
Room rate: $138 per night
Registration and more information will be coming soon. Check back here for more details.
Meetings and Webinars
14th National Monitoring Conference – Registration Open Through 2/28
The National Water Quality Monitoring Council (NWQMC) will host its 14th National Monitoring Conference from March 10 to 14, 2025, in Green Bay, Wisconsin at the KI Convention Center. All federal, state, tribal and local water professionals, nonprofits, academia, water consultants and industry, and volunteer scientists are welcome at this important national forum on monitoring Great Lakes, groundwater, streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands, estuaries, and oceans. The conference will be offered in a hybrid format, primarily consisting of in-person presentations and events as well as some virtual components.
Networking and opportunities to create new relationships will abound for attendees. Whether you seek to develop new skills, learn about the latest technologies, or simply exchange information on a wide variety of topics relevant to water resources, the National Monitoring Conference is for you. The conference is a destination conference for many in the field, attracting the highest quality professional presenters and posters.
The 2025 National Monitoring Conference will focus on monitoring and research done in the Great Lakes, groundwater, streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands, estuaries, and oceans.
EPA Schedules Applicant Webinars for FY25 EN Grant Cycle
In support of the FY 2025 Exchange Network (EN) Grant cycle, the EPA will host two general informational webinar(s) on Thursday February 27th and March 6th, from 3:00 – 4:30 pm ET. Additionally, the EPA will host one Tribal informational webinar on Tuesday March 4th, from 3:00 – 4:30 pm ET. All sessions will cover the same information and are designed to help potential applicants better understand the EN grant program and the requirements for applying for an EN assistance agreement. Planned agenda topics include an overview of the EN grant program, notable changes from prior solicitation notices, an overview of available guidance, and common applicant mistakes to avoid.
Each webinar will conclude with a question-and-answer (Q&A) session. Any questions and the answers provided by EPA (across all webinars) will then be added to the FAQs under the section(s) titled ‘Applicant Questions Asked in FY25’; see the ‘Resources for FY25 Applicants’ section on the EPA EN website.
General Webinar (1): Thursday 2/27, 3:00 – 4:30pm ET
Join the meeting now (meeting hosted on TEAMS)
Dial in by phone +1 202-991-0477; Phone Conference ID: 764 648 829#
Tribal Webinar: Tuesday 3/4, 3:00 – 4:30pm ET
Join the meeting now (meeting hosted on TEAMS)
Dial in by phone +1 202-991-0477; Phone Conference ID: 572 964 353#
General Webinar (2): Thursday 3/6, 3-4:30pm ET
Join the meeting now (meeting hosted on TEAMS)
Dial in by phone +1 202-991-0477; Phone Conference ID: 415 360 486#
Please direct any questions to Erin McGown at The PowerPoint slides from this presentation will be posted to the EPA website at:
Job Opportunities
Environmental Analyst – Drinking Water Specialist
Location: Rochester, NY
Closing Date: March 9, 2025
To apply, submit your cover letter, resume, and a brief writing sample by email to by March 9, 2025. Please reference #25-NYS-SW-DOH-001 in the email subject line. Accepting applications until the
is filled. A full position description and benefits listing may be viewed at:
CSO Construction Project Manager
Location: Albany, NY
Closing Date: March 9, 2025
To apply, submit your cover letter and resume by email to by March 9, 2025. Please reference #25-NY-IEM-001 in the email subject line. Accepting applications until the position is filled. A full position description and benefits listing may be viewed at:
Youth and the Environment Program Coordinator – Wastewater Division Intern
Location: Lowell, MA
Closing Date: March 9, 2025
To apply, submit a cover letter and resume by email to by March 9, 2025. Please reference #25-Lowell-003 in the email subject line. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, accepting
applications until the positions are filled. A full position description may be viewed at:
Environmental Analyst – Title 5 Septic System Program Trainer
Location: Various Locations in Massachusetts
Closing Date: March 16, 2025
To apply, submit your cover letter, resume, and a brief writing sample by email to by March 16, 2025. Please reference #25-MA-DEP-001 in the email subject line and notate preferred work location in the body of the email (Boston, Woburn, Worcester, Lakeville or Springfield, MA). Accepting applications until the position is filled. A full position description and benefits may be viewed at:
Onsite Resource Specialist (Natural Resource Specialist 3 – Environmental Health Specialist) – Two Openings
Location: Medford, Oregon or Coos Bay, Eugene, or Medford, Oregon
Closing Date: March 16, 2025
For more information and to apply, visit Oregon Job Opportunities.
Environmental Scientist II
Location: Frankfort, KY
Closing Date: March 17, 2025
The Kentucky Division of Water, Water Quality Branch is seeking an individual to work across monitoring, assessment, TMDL, and standards programs to develop and maintain tools for water quality data compilation, review, analysis, and reporting. For more information and to apply, visit Requisition ID: 25-01138.
Aquatic Invasive Species Boat Launch Stewards
Location: Lake Champlain, NY and VT
Closing Date: Open until filled
To apply, submit a cover letter and resume by email to; please reference #25-LCBP-003 in
the email subject line. Application review will begin on February 2, 2025, and will continue on a rolling basis until all positions are filled. A full position description may be viewed at:
Be sure to check out other opportunities on ACWA’s Job Opportunities page.