During the 2018 ACWA Mid-Year Meeting, ACWA identified a series of priorities to guide ACWA’s work over the coming year.
The new ACWA FY2018-FY2022 Strategic Plan Action Item 1.1.2, “Establish the process and schedule through which ACWA will periodically determine its priorities in each of the following areas: Clean Water Act policy, grants and funding, partnerships and collaboration, management of the association, other matters as appropriate, requires the identification of association priorities on an annual basis.
Likewise, Action Item 1.1.3 says to “Establish the process and schedule by which ACWA will
periodically review existing services to determine alignment with priorities.”
This survey and the associated meeting discussion are one mechanism ACWA is using to help ground truth current priorities and identify new priorities.
Final 2018 ACWA Priorities 3-15-2018