ACWA’s committees and workgroups are the engine of the association and are key players in helping to develop comments and input on key EPA activities, as well as share best practices and knowledge with state peers. To maximize your ACWA membership, state staff should join relevant groups via Member365, our State/Interstate only web portal. Contact Member Services for support at
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee reviews the Auditor’s Report on the Association’s fiscal records and accounts before final approval by the ACWA Board of Directors.
Environmental Justice Committee
The Environmental Justice committee was formed in 2021 to focus on the issues surrounding environmental justice and equity and state surface water programs. The Committee will serve as a forum for state to state and state to federal discussion and information and best-practices sharing on the latest developments/tools in environmental justice and equity.
EPA Planning, Program Guidance and Metrics Committee
The EPPGM was formed in 2020 to focus on the development of EPA’s Strategic Plan, National Program Managers Guidance, and Metrics that impact state water quality programs. The Committee will serve as a forum for state to state and state to EPA discussion and information sharing on the latest developments in EPA’s strategic planning development, national program managers guidance and metrics for measuring results.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice-President Treasurer and Immediate Past President and meets on an as needed basis to prepare issues to be presented to the full Board and/or make emergency decisions on behalf of the Board when it is not possible to establish a quorum.
Funding & Congressional Relations Committee
The Funding & Congressional Relations Committee tracks and informs ACWA members on federal budget and water infrastructure financing developments, including the forecast for Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act State Revolving Funds (SRFs), and the President’s budget requests.
Legal Affairs Committee
The Legal Affairs Committee brings together environmental legal practitioners from the public and private sectors with state water quality program staff to discuss and share information on the latest Clean Water Act (CWA) litigation and regulatory developments.
Meetings Planning Committee
The Meetings Planning Committee assists ACWA staff in planning ACWA’s Annual Meeting.
Monitoring Standards & Assessment Committee
The Monitoring Standards & Assessment (MSA) Committee tracks and informs ACWA members on criteria development, monitoring initiatives, and assessment challenges.
- PFAS Subcommittee
The PFAS Subcommittee was launched in 2019 to address PFAS in surface waters. The goal of the group is to provide a forum to share information between states, keep states informed of updates across the country, and elevate questions and issues to the EPA when appropriate. - Criteria/Standards Workgroup(s)
ACWA has numerous Criteria/Standards workgroups that work with the works with the EPA to develop robust implementation guidance for new criteria and standards. - Continuous Monitoring Workgroup
ACWA’s Continuous Monitoring Workgroup provides a forum for state water quality monitoring staff to share approaches and consider means of optimizing the quality and accessibility of near-real-time water information in and outside the Clean Water Act context. This workgroup also advises federal agencies on continuous monitoring best practices and works with federal counterparts to coordinate and improve cross-scale data gathering and water quality assessments.
Nominations Committee
The Nominations Committee confers with the states in each Region/ Interstates to select the nominees for open Board member positions and proposes a slate of candidates for President, Vice-President and Treasurer positions.
Nutrients Policy Committee
The Nutrients Policy Committee coordinates on nutrient-related issues within ACWA, and with ACWA’s external partners, including by working with and across EPA-OW offices to address challenges to and solutions for nutrient reductions, disseminating information to the ACWA membership via webinars and conference calls, and participating in meetings and workshops with outside partners.
Nutrients Policy Workgroups
- 319/Nonpoint Source Workgroup
The 319/Nonpoint Workgroup was launched in late 2013 to provide a forum for state-to-state information sharing on topics related to the implementation of the revised “Nonpoint Source Program and Grants Guidelines for State and Territories” (i.e., CWA § 319 Guidelines). - Water Quality Trading Workgroup
The Water Quality Trading Workshop focuses on providing guidance, advice, and assistance to state and interstate agencies seeking to develop water quality trading programs. The Workgroup encourages greater collaboration among state and interstate agencies by facilitating dialogue through webinars, conference calls, and meetings. The Workgroup also promotes the usage of the Water Quality Trading Toolkit templates while seeking to stay current on developments in water quality trading programs throughout the nation.
Permitting, Compliance & Enforcement Committee
The PCC focuses on all NPDES program and associated compliance and enforcement issues. A number of specific work groups address core program areas.
Permitting, Compliance & Enforcement Workgroups
- Compliance Assurance and Data Systems Workgroup
The Compliance Assurance and Data Systems Workgroup (CADSW) is a new workgroup under the Permitting & Compliance Committee that will focus on compliance and enforcement initiatives including the SNC National Compliance Initiative, NPDES eReporting Rule implementation, the new NPDES Noncompliance Report, Compliance Monitoring Strategies, violation tracking/scoring, SNC for Minors, ECHO Reports and Dashboards, and the State Review Framework. This workgroup will also assist EPA with identifying and prioritizing work associated with ICIS-NPDES data system enhancements/updates. - Stormwater Workgroup
The focus area for this group includes construction and post construction stormwater programs, industrial stormwater, MS4 program updates, CSO/SSO, green infrastructure, blending, integrated planning, and other issues impacting municipal utilities.
Water Resources Management Committee
The Water Resources Management Committee focuses on water program issues associated with climate variability, mitigation, resiliency, adaptive management, as well as impacts to clean water programs associated with extreme weather events such as large storms, floods, droughts, etc. This Committee also works on water reuse and conservation.
Watersheds Committee
The Watersheds Committee serves as a regular forum for both state-to-state and state-EPA discussion and information sharing on the latest developments in the TMDL and 303(d) listing arenas, holding monthly calls on average since late 2013. Since early 2012, the Committee’s activity has closely tracked the “Long-Term Vision for Assessment, Restoration, and Protection under the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) Program”(a.k.a. the “Vision”) from its early beginnings as state 303(d) program “wish lists,” to the implementation phase now underway at the state level.
Watersheds Workgroups
- Modeling Workgroup
ACWA’s Modeling Workgroup formed in 2017 in order to provide a forum for state water quality modeling staff to collaborate, share information, pose questions, and discuss solutions pertaining to technical models. This workgroup regularly participates in informational webinars, trainings, and workshops. - WOTUS/Navigable Waters Protection Rule Workgroup
The WOTUS Workgroup was formed in 2020 to focus on the implications of the new WOTUS/ NWPR rule on state programs and will serve as a forum for state to state discussion and information sharing on how states are responding to the changes in their programs brought about by the new rule. The Workgroup will discuss the impacts of the new rule on the CWA permitting, standards development and TMDL programs.