This ACWA comment letter was submitted on May 24, 2019 and was responsive to EPA’s Pre-proposal Recommendations for Clarification of Provisions within Clean Water Act Section 401 and Related Federal… Read More »
Watersheds Committee
WOTUS Discussion Questions for State Outreach Sessions
Discussion questions provided by EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers during state WOTUS outreach sessions.
Sec. 401 Process Improvements
States are the primary authority for allocating, administering, protecting, and developing water resources, and they are primarily responsible for water supply planning within their boundaries. States have the ultimate say in the management of their water resources and are best suited to speak to the unique nature of western water law and hydrology. Under the Clean Water Act (CWA), Congress deliberately preserved states’ authority to manage and protect their water resources by establishing a system of cooperative federalism through which states serve as co-regulators for the implementation and enforcement of federal statutory programs. CWA Section 401 represents a critical state authority which protect states’ authority over water resources and ensures that states have a meaningful role in the certification of federal permits and licenses for projects that may affect water quality in a state.The CWA Section 401 Process Improvements have been developed in collaboration with associations of state officials and are intended to identify possible reforms to the water quality certification program that do not compromise or curtail states’ well-established legal authority to manage and protect their water resources. As states are co-regulators with the federal government in administering the CWA, it is critical that states be afforded early, meaningful, substantive, and ongoing consultation in the development of any changes to the Section 401 program or to the balance of state and federal authority under the statute.
ACWA, ECOS & ASWM Waters Assumable by States/Tribes under §404
ACWA, ECOS and ASWM sent a letter to Administrator Pruitt expressing our appreciation for the support of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provided in responding to our joint request that… Read More »
Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) Resources
The scope of waters that are the subject of federal jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act has been the subject of long-standing confusion and uncertainty in the aftermath of several… Read More »
West Virginia District Court Conductivity Case Opinion
The US District Court for the Southern District of WV held that WV’s failure to develop a TMDL for state waters with high conductivity requires EPA to either approve or disapprove WVDEP’s apparent intention to not develop conductivity TMDLs.
The Unclear Definition of Water
A summary of proceedings pertaining to WoUS definitions.
EPA Water Regulations, Guidance and Policy Chart
ACWA provides a summary of key EPA water regulations, guidance and policy documents with key dates and outcomes.
Assumable Waters Under the Clean Water Act Section 404
A letter from ACWA, ECOS and ASWM to the USACE expressing disappointment in the Corps’ position on “traditional navigable waters” under the CWA
Joint Statement from ECOS, ACWA, and ASWM Regarding the Clean Water Rule released May 27, 2015
A statement released by ECOS, ACWA, and ASWM pertaining to the publication of the final Clean Water Rule,
ACWA President Mettler Testimony on WOTUS
Copy of ACWA President Martha Clark Mettler’s testimony before the House Committee on Agriculture Conservation and Forestry Subcommittee
Testimony of Martha Clark Mettler on behalf of ACWA, at US House of Representatives regarding WOTUS and Rural America
Written testimony by ACWA President (in 2015) Martha Clark Mettler for the US House of Representatives concerning WOTUS and Rural America.