President’s Fiscal Year 2019 Budget Request Funding Chart
Funding and Congressional Relations Committee
President’s Fiscal Year 2019 Budget Request Funding Chart
Letter to the White House on Executive Order Establishing Discipline and Accountability in the Environmental Review and Permitting Process for Infrastructure Projects
Letter from ACWA to President Trump outlining the Association’s priorities as it works to implement the Executive Order Establishing Discipline and Accountability in the Environmental Review and Permitting Process for… Read More »
Final State 106 Allocations FY17
This EPA chart shows the final section 106 grant money distribution to states for FY 2017.
Funding Levels For Key Water Appropriations
Proposed funding Levels For Key Water Appropriations
ACWA’s thank you letter to US EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt sent after ACWA’s Mid-Year Meeting in March 2017
Thank you letter sent by ACWA to EPA Administrator Pruitt after his remarks at ACWA’s mid-year meeting.
Internal EPA Memorandum – “FY2018 President’s Budget: Majory Policy and Final Resource Decisions”
Internal EPA memorandum leaked to news media providing details on which EPA program should be eliminated, reduced, or expanded as per the Trump Administration FY18 Budget Blueprint
Passback Response Letter
Letter from ACWA, GWPC, and ASDWA to OMB and EPA regarding funding for CWA and SDWA programs.
EPA Water Regulations, Guidance and Policy Chart
ACWA provides a summary of key EPA water regulations, guidance and policy documents with key dates and outcomes.
Water Infrastructure Improvement for the Nation Act: Summary and Relevant Sections
A summary of the parts of the Water Infrastructure Improvement for the Nation Act that are relevant to states.
Vessel Incidental Discharge Act Concerns
A letter from ACWA, ECOS, ASFWA, NASBLA, and ASWM send a letter to Congress expressing our concerns with the Vessel Incidental Discharge Act legislation.
Letter of support for Senator Cardin’s FUND Water Act
Letter of support from ACWA to Senator Cardin regarding his legislation, the FUND Water Act, urging Congress to adequately fund the Clean Water SRF