A summary of proceedings pertaining to WoUS definitions.
Bill Summary: The Water Quality Improvement Act of 2017
Summary provides an overview of the proposed bill, the Water Quality Improvement Act of 2017
Water Infrastructure Improvement for the Nation Act: Summary and Relevant Sections
A summary of the parts of the Water Infrastructure Improvement for the Nation Act that are relevant to states.
One State Doesn’t Want to Participate in the Final Four
A summary of the legal issues pertaining to Massachusetts MS4 General Permit
Preliminary Summary of Waters of the U.S. Final Rule
ACWA’s memorandum provides an overview of the key elements within the final “Waters of the U.S. (WOUS)” Rule (a.k.a. The Clean Water Rule).
Summary of the 2014 Waters of the U.S. Proposal
A summary of the Waters of the U.S. proposal produced by ACWA staff.