Letter from ACWA, GWPC, and ASDWA to OMB and EPA regarding funding for CWA and SDWA programs.
NWGP Exception Request Letter
Letter from ECOS, ACWA, and ASWM to EPA supporting the reissuance of the Clean Water Act 404 Nationwide General Permits.
Needed OMB‐issued exception for effective date of rule implementing Section 404 Nationwide General Permits Request Letter
ECOS, ACWA and ASWM urges OMB to make an exception to the regulatory freeze of the Clean Water Act Section 404 Nationwide General Permits and to allow the final rule to go forward for reissuance of the permits.
Transition Priorities Letter from ACWA President
Letter to President‐Elect Trump’s Transition Team urging a focus on critical issues including the importance of cooperative federalism and robust federal funding for state water quality programs to ensure programs continue to make progress on improving the nation’s water quality.
EPA Response to Comment Letter – Proposed Information Collection Request
EPA’s Office of Science & Technology response to ACWA’s letter on using Section 308 to collect data.
EPA Response to Letter – State Ambient Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Human Health, Fish Consumption
EPA Deputy Assistant Administrator Joel Beauvias’ response to ACWA’s letter on State Ambient Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Human Health – Fish Consumption.
Assumable Waters Under the Clean Water Act Section 404
A letter from ACWA, ECOS and ASWM to the USACE expressing disappointment in the Corps’ position on “traditional navigable waters” under the CWA
Joint letter from ACWA, ECOS, and ASDWA to EPA and Army Corps of Engineers emphasizing importance of Army Corps, EPA, and stakeholders reaching consensus for NACEPT subcommittee
Letter to US EPA and US Army Corps of Engineers from ACWA, ECOS, and ASWM expressing concern due to lack of a consensus between Army Corps of Engineers and other parties in Assumable Waters Subcommittee.
Re: Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Proposed Information Collection Request for the National Study of Nutrient Removal and Secondary Technologies: Publicly Owned Treatment Works Screener Questionnaire
ACWA letter to EPA regarding use of CWA Section 308 authority to collect information.
Priorities Letter for Trump Campaign Transition Team
ACWA Letter to Trump Campaign transition team address state clean water priorities.
Priorities Letter for Clinton Campaign Transition Team
ACWA Letter to Clinton Campaign transition team address state clean water priorities.
ACWA netDMR Data Migration Letter
ACWA letter of support to EPA regarding the migration of data from netDMR to the Central Data Exchange system. This data migration has to do with the NPDES eReporting Rule.