Letter to the EPA to discuss development of ambient water quality criteria for the protection of human health at the state level with regard to fish consumption.
ACWA Comment letter on NPDES Updates Rule
ACWA comment letter submitted to EPA regarding the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Application and Program Updates (“NPDES Updates Rule”)
Re: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Application and Program Updates
ACWA’s letter commenting on EPA’s updating of the federal NPDES regulations with provisions that create new challenges for states.
Vessel Incidental Discharge Act Concerns
A letter from ACWA, ECOS, ASFWA, NASBLA, and ASWM send a letter to Congress expressing our concerns with the Vessel Incidental Discharge Act legislation.
Letter of support for Senator Cardin’s FUND Water Act
Letter of support from ACWA to Senator Cardin regarding his legislation, the FUND Water Act, urging Congress to adequately fund the Clean Water SRF
Letter to House Appropriations Committee on FY17 Budget
Joint letter from ACWA, ECOS, ASDWA, CIFA, ASWM to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies regarding the FY 17 appropriations for USEPA for Water Programs
ACWA Proposed Small MS4 Remand Rule Comment Letter Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OW–2015–0671
This is the official ACWA comment letter regarding EPA’s proposed small MS4 Remand Rule.
Joint Letter to House on HR 8
Joint letter from ACWA, ASWM, and ECOS to the House of Representatives regarding the North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act of 2015
Joint Letter to Senate on Hydropower
Joint letter from ACWA, ASWM, and ECOS to the Senate regarding the Hydropower Regulatory Modernization Act of 2015
Letter on Clean Water Rule Implementation
Joint letter from ACWA and ASWM to EPA regarding implementation of the Clean Water (WOTUS) Rule.
Preliminary Summary of Waters of the U.S. Final Rule
ACWA’s memorandum provides an overview of the key elements within the final “Waters of the U.S. (WOUS)” Rule (a.k.a. The Clean Water Rule).
Final Comments on Permitting Oversight
Joint letter with multiple state organizations responding to EPA’s March 11, 2015 Letter on Efficient and Effective Oversight of State Permitting Programs