Joint State Associations Letter regarding FY2016 Budget (House version). ECOS, ACWA, ASDWA, ASWM, and CIAF submitted this joint letter to the House of Representatives on their FY2016 Budget proposal.
ACWA Comment Letter on the Dental Amalgam Rule
ACWA comment letter submitted to EPA on the Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Dental Category (the “Dental Amalgam Rule”)
Quicksilver Caucus (QSC) Letter on Dental Amalgam Rule
Quicksilver Caucus (QSC) comment letter to EPA Letter on the Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Dental Category (the “Dental Amalgam Rule”). ACWA is a member of the QSC, a coalition of state, local, and territorial environmental leaders working to reduce toxic mercury pollution.
ACWA Comment Letter on NPDES eReporting Rule
ACWA comment letter submitted to EPA on the Supplemental Notice NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule.
ACWA Supplemental Notice NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule Comment Letter Docket EPA-HQ-OECA-2009-0274
The official ACWA comment letter regarding EPA’s supplemental notice to the proposed NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule.
Letter to EPA on WIFIA Pilot Program
Letter from ACWA, ASDWA, ECOS, and the Council of Infrastructure Financing Authorities to EPA offering comments on EPA’s plans to develop a pilot WIFIA program.
ACWA Comment Letter on ELG
ACWA comment letter submitted to EPA on the Final 2012 and Preliminary 2014 Effluent Guidelines Program Plans and 2012 and 2013 Annual Effluent Guidelines Review Reports
The state of Wisconsin’s comments on the Proposed Waters of the U.S. Rule
A copy of the comments submitted by Wisconsin to the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers on the Proposed Waters of the U.S. Rule.
The state of Nevada’s comments on the Proposed Waters of the U.S. Rule
A copy of the comments submitted by Nevada to the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers on the Proposed Waters of the U.S. Rule.
The commonwealth of Kentucky’s comments on the Proposed Waters of the U.S. Rule
A copy of the comments submitted by Kentucky to the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers on the Proposed Waters of the U.S. Rule.
The state of Missouri’s comments on the Proposed Waters of the U.S. Rule
A copy of the comments submitted by Missouri to the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers on the Proposed Waters of the U.S. Rule.
The California State Water Resources Control Board comments on Proposed Waters of the U.S. Rule
A copy of the comments submitted by the California State Water Resources Control Board to the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers on the Proposed Waters of the U.S. Rule.