Agency heads shall, in coordination with their DOGE Team Leads and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, initiate a process to review all regulations subject to their sole or joint jurisdiction for consistency with law and Administration policy. Within 60 days of the date of this order, agency heads shall, in consultation with the Attorney General as appropriate, identify the following classes of regulations: (i) unconstitutional regulations and regulations that raise serious constitutional difficulties, such as exceeding the scope of the power vested in the Federal Government by the Constitution; (ii) regulations that are based on unlawful delegations of legislative power; (iii) regulations that are based on anything other than the best reading of the underlying statutory authority or prohibition; (iv) regulations that implicate matters of social, political, or economic significance that are not authorized by clear statutory authority; (v) regulations that impose significant costs upon private parties that are not outweighed by public benefits; (vi) regulations that harm the national interest by significantly and unjustifiably impeding technological innovation, infrastructure development, disaster response, inflation reduction, research and development, economic development, energy production, land use, and foreign policy objectives; and (vii) regulations that impose undue burdens on small business and impede private enterprise and entrepreneurship.
FY 2022 Budget Chart
Senate Draft: Drinking Water Infrastructure Act of 2020
The legislation would amend and reauthorize programs under the Safe Drinking Water Act to provide resources and technical assistance to communities.
FY 2021 Budget Chart
HR __, The Clean Water for All Act
The purpose of the bill is to reaffirm Congress’ commitment to restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the nation’s waters, as called for in the Clean Water Act (CWA) and to overturn the Trump administration’s WOTUS rule. The legislation directs the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers to develop a new rule within two years of enactment to prevent degradation of surface water quality; increased contaminant levels in drinking water sources; increased flooding-related risks to human life or property; and disproportionate adverse impacts on minority or low-income populations.
America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2020: Clean Water Provisions Summary
A summary of the Senate’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2020 – Title II: Clean Water.
Summary of H.R. 1497, The Water Quality Protection & Job Creation Act of 2019
A short summary of the key provisions included in H.R. 1497, The Water Quality Protection & Job Creation Act. The legislation authorizes $16.68 billion over five years and includes several… Read More »
H.R. 1497, The Water Quality Protection & Job Creation Act
Legislation reauthorizing the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and authorizes approximately $16.68 billion in infrastructure investment over the next five years to address America’s crumbling wastewater infrastructure and water quality… Read More »